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YM's Africa Work Journal

非洲Benin傳道日記 2013 八月

2013/8/08  星期四 Paris – Casablanca - Cotonou


七月二十九日從剛果回來之後,感謝主,覺得體力和精神都還可以。於是準備往下一程Benin去。因為是假期旺季,法航直飛七個小時可到達Cotonou的票價是1900多歐元接近2000。實在太貴。在網路找到連轉機時間總共需時22h15才能抵達的Royal Air Maroc(摩洛哥皇家航空公司)。省1000歐元!


是早上7h20的班機到從Paris Orly 飛兩小時到Maroc 的Casablanca是當地08h20。轉晚上23h05到Cotonou當地清晨04h20的班機。因05h20要到機場報到,太過早,公共交通還沒開始營運。所以昨晚先到Orly機場附近的Kyriade 旅館過夜。44 euros。是計程車的一半價錢。




Help School an African Child

Dear brother, peace be to you!

At 08h10, Samson and Reverien, from Kigali, came ahead of time to my accommodation to see me. We talked about many things concerning the current situation of Kivu church. As the local government believes our existing place of worship to be unsafe, they have not allowed them to hold services in the building. According to the regulations of the Rwandan government, church buildings have to be constructed from bricks and supporting structures have to be made of metal.
