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Q&A - 從變貌看信仰的原貌

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Q&A - 從變貌看信仰的原貌
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台灣活泉甘霖教育文化協會  敬


A few questions

I have a few questions after listening to the seminar:

1. It was mentioned that some TJCs in China do not practice footwashing sacrament right after baptism. Do we know why they don't practice footwashing because even the meeting resolution in 1932 did not abolish the need for footwashing after baptism? Also, Could someone please name some of these TJCs and provide some contact details if possible? I would like to carry out some research myself.

2. The example of Philip preaching in Samaria (Acts 8) was mentioned by YM.   

    a) Why do you think the believers in Samaria were unable to receive the Holy Spirit through Philip?

    b) I don't quite understand how such example could be used to argue against the understanding that only those who have received the Holy Spirit could be filled by the Holy Spirit. Could YM please clarify?

3. If I did not misunderstand YM, the reason why he thinks as believers we also need to undergo transifiguration like Jesus Christ was that God said the same thing twice in Luke 3:22 and 9:35. However, if one reads carefully and compare the words of God in those two verses (also considering the context), it can be reasoned that actually the words of God in Luke 3:22 were meant to be heard by Jesus Christ only and the words of God in Luke 9:35 were spoken to the three disciples! In other words, during Jesus’ baptism the words of God were meant to confirm to Jesus and Jesus only that ‘you are my beloved son, whom I am pleased with’, while the words of God during Jesus’ transfiguration were meant to confirm to the disciples and disciples only that ‘this (Jesus) is my beloved son, so you must obey Him’. Can YM agree with such understanding? If so, can he give another good reason why transfiguration is also applicable to us today?

I actually have some more questions to ask but need time to organise my thoughts. That's it for now and thanks for taking the time to answer my queries.