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時候將到, 準備殉道吧 The Time Is Near to Be A Martyr!

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時候將到, 準備殉道吧 The Time Is Near to Be A Martyr!

以下是節錄於英國總會在這個月開會的會議記錄. 時候將到了,不是嗎? Below was taken from the meeting minute of the recet UKGA meeting this month. The time is near, isn't it?

P.S. 英國許多教會都會在佈告欄張貼總會三個月一次開會記錄  Many churches in the UK would post these qaurterly meeting minutes on their notice boards.

5. 有關上次聯總來函宣佈楊昱民被革除真耶穌教會的傳道人職分後的跟進報告.

 議決: 英總應以公函向聯總建議,

 a). 他在網路上流傳的謬論, 以至令少數信徒因受迷惑而持續發酵. 請聯總就聖經真理,本會的立場,在聯總網頁上以專欄方式(或是為此另開設一個新網站亦可),邀請有恩賜的工人撰寫本會正統信仰的文章.給網路中所有的讀者在真理上作正式之回應, 以正視聽.

 b). 對楊昱民弟兄被公佈革職後,卻仍到處傳講違反真耶穌教會信仰的言論.聯總應該有更進一步的處理措施.以制止其不斷發酵,傷害神的教會和其子民.

5). A follow-up report on the matter of Bro. YM Yang whose post was terminated as an IA Preacher.

 Resolution : UKGA will present a few suggestions by letter as follows:

 a).In order to prevent the continued expression of erroneous opinions on the internet (caused by Brother Yang and a few others), which have led astray some of our members, the International Assembly could either create a column on the IA website, or create another new webpage, to ask one or a few workers to write some articles in accordance with the Biblical Truth. This would be a formal response from the church, and it would give the church’s view point based on Biblical teachings to all the internet readers.

 b). Since Bro. Yu-Ming Yang has continued to preach his assertions in contradiction to the church, the International Assembly should take further steps to put a stop to these erroneous opinions, which are adversely affecting the church and her members.

PDF icon 2013.09 UKGA Meeting Minute192.57 KB
PDF icon 2013.09 英國總會會議記錄444.62 KB