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传道记 - 张巴拿巴 / Missionary Journal of Barnabas Zhang (Chinese only)

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请看附件, 网主强力推荐! Please refer to the attachment. Highly recommended by the webmaster!

请注意: 第六页 '審教會歷史記' 里的第三点 "張巴拿巴長老,系宣统二年,三月十六日,在曠野禱告 受聖靈,後來請張靈生長老施洗, 係宣统三年,十月十一日間事也"有个错误: "十月十一日"应该是读"二月十一日"

PDF icon Missionary journal of Barnabas Zhang1.34 MB



Yes, I will be interested to read the materials too. Thank you in advance for sharing. Thank you, Daniel, also for sharing your views. I did a search on the internet and TJC's establishment is mostly dated to 1917 and Paul Wei is the initiator. Do you know why?






Dear Daniel,

As you can see, several members are interested and asking for the other articles to be posted. I have attempted to put up the links to these document on this site, but without any success. Can you please arrange to do so asap. If necessary I can send you the copy of these documents that I have collected.

God bless,



Thank you 一滴水 and Daniel for posting the articles. I have not finished the second book but just like to say that as a truth seeker, it is troubling to read about the lies in a true church, especially when I read from this forum that the church began with full of innocence. Where is the love for truth? When I ask around, I am told that we are not in a position to judge and to know who is right or wrong in those times. God will judge. Is that so? Can the church make judgments on all other churches then?


Yes, what's past is past. It is good that these books are made available. May I know if the church agree with the findings of Zhang Shitou?





這番言論,已托出他們的心聲,早在五次臨時大會,明目反張以前,他們已經在聖靈報上,陸續發表了倒張言論,由於教會分裂,是本會史上的一件大事,我必須有清楚的交代,因此我摘出數段,可以窺出他們反張的真正意向。』 。。。(下冊第一章)

相信教會可能還會藏有此書的理由是在不少後來的文章,有提到教會歷史的偶爾也會提起或參考到這本書。下面的 Link 銜接到台總文宣王惠姬編撰的 "真耶穌教會名稱起源析論",在這篇文章裡 就有提起和參考了這本史記。






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