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Content Format: 


  • 主差遣我…報告耶和華的恩年、和我們神報仇的日子、安慰一切悲哀的人.賜華冠與錫安悲哀的人、代替灰塵、喜樂油、代替悲哀、讚美衣、代替憂傷之靈.使他們稱為公義樹、是耶和華所栽的、叫他得榮耀。(賽六一1-3)
  • 我要以和平為你的官長、以公義為你的監督。你地上不再聽見強暴的事…。你的居民都成為義人…是我種的栽子、我手的工作、使我得榮耀.(賽六十17-18、21)
  • 凡遵守公平、常行公義的、這人便為有福。因為公義和公平、是神寶座的根基.慈愛和誠實、行在他前面。(詩一o六3;八九14)



    林利用他的第一傳聲筒《聖靈月刊》,不經過所謂他們的「真理研究會」研究研究,就以自己的夢幻為預言,教導信徒愛慕「聲望地位」,追逐教會「行政領導權」,光明正大地把真理「改正歸邪」,到處用 Power Point 解說,誘惑百姓崇拜「聲望地位權勢」的金牛犢、犯邪淫的罪,在聯總法庭並不認為這是罪。神啊!你能忍受嗎?

  • 那些以夢幻為預言、又述說這夢、以謊言和矜誇使我百姓走錯了路的、我必與他們反對.我沒有打發他們、也沒有吩咐他們、他們與這百姓毫無益處.(耶廿三32)連先知、帶祭司、都是褻瀆的、就是在我殿中我也看見他們的惡.(11)你們不要聽他們的話.他們以虛空教訓你們、所說的異象、是出於自己的心、不是出於耶和華的口。(16)
  • 那些殘害趕散我草場之羊的牧人有禍了,…你們趕散我的羊群,並沒有看顧他們,我必討你們這行惡的罪。(巴黎教會是直接受害的羊群,有兩戶受到林的影響離開了,正等着林牧養他們。)



要錢    1. 經費來源:從地方教會收入奉獻25%,其他盈餘10%,需要時再追加(舖設油管)。                                    (美國總會乾脆一點,就是要45%以上)
花錢    2. 設一支薪辦事員。
抓權    3. 各地聖職人員,聯合成立「聯絡處聖執會」控管該區。
抓權    4. 職責:增修刪改規章條文、按立長老、執事,處置信徒、擬定預算
抓權    5. 教會不動產歸屬區聯絡處,不動產所有權狀、教會印信,由他們保管。                                                         (教會不動產與聯總何干,他們在想什麼?)
有權    6. 處負責(幾位?)參加聯總世界級會議。有權用教會的錢、像他一
花錢        樣、搭飛機像巴士一般平常、參加聯總各種高峰會議。(再多想些開會名堂吧!)




函  號:真國聯總字第12-023號
日  期:2012年8月30日
副  本:聯總負責人、林永基弟兄、聯總辦公室。
主  旨:通知林永基弟兄自2012年9月1日起停止真耶穌教會傳道者之職分。
說  明:

  1. 根據2012年和不流信徒「公義之聲」決議辦理。
  2. 林永基弟兄身為聯總負責,煽動巴黎教會,使兩戶信徒離開。並違反聖經真理,不依靠聖靈行事,數次在教會刊物誘惑信徒追求崇拜「聲望、地位、教會領導權」,未曾送交聯總真理研究委員會,不把聯總規章及辦事細則的規範看在眼裡,知法犯法,3月至今8月仍不悔改,向楊傳道及眾信徒道歉。在 神公義和公平寶座前蒙召聚集的信徒全體一致決議,自2012年9月1日起停止其傳道者之職分與聯總   相關的職務。
  3. 若在神面前,有憂傷痛悔的心,可以隨時退休養老。


  • 錫安的民哪,神所要的是甚麼呢?只要我們行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心、與神同行。(彌六8)
  • 不從惡人的計謀、不站罪人的道路、不坐褻慢人的座位、惟喜愛耶和華的律法、晝夜思想、這人便為有福。他要像一棵樹栽在溪水旁、按時候結果子、葉子也不枯乾.凡他所作的、盡都順利。(詩一1-3)
  • 憂傷痛悔的祭、神必不輕看。(詩五一17)






Added English translation.













Quote by 园丁from Confucious means [A person who does not have compassion/benevolence inside his heart, what good is it if outwardly he acted politely with good manner? Similarly, what good it is if he can play beautiful music?]

Like Confucious, Apostle Paul gave words of wisdom too.

1 Cor 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

Paul might mean to say that “if I could prophesy with many different languages of men and if I could speak the unknown-tongue-of-angels, but if I have no love and compassion, what I had said was like the empty sound of brass and cymbal”.

Extrapolating it, it might mean to say that if one can preach by quoting all Lord Jesus’ teachings and the new commandment of “love”, but in his heart there is no compassion/benevolence, what this person has preached is like the empty-sound of brass and cymbal.

This is the actual problem facing by our church. There are many who can quote Lord Jesus’ words but some how seem like they may not fully grasp the meaning of the teachings, or they have twisted the words to mean something else. Therefore, it appears [they can talk but cannot do]. What they have decided to do was not based according to what Lord Jesus had commanded us to do, but rather, they act in according to their own-desires (HOSEA 8:4). We have observed those fruits, that bore by them which are backed with actual evidences. Those fruits are similar to what Lord Jesus had reprimanded the behaviours of the Scribes and Pharisees in MATTHEW chapter 23. They can talk but cannot do -- a hypocrite.

If we refuse to understand that we must kill our sinful-desire with the power of the words given by Lord Jesus Christ, and if we allow such sinful-desire acted freely and boldly within our church, today we have observe that all the church members had been infiltrated with the sinful-desire. The sinful-desire is like yeast that has spreaded throughout the dough. If we are to pull them out, how many of them should we pulled in order to cleanse the church?

So brethren, people are not the problem. Sinful-desire in the people is the actual problem. Sinful-desire in the people is the yeast that we must remove. We must help killing those bad desires, the desires to sin against Lord Jesus’ commandments in people’s heart.

If every one of us can clearly understand how dangerous the ugly human-sinful-desire can be, which is what God would want us to rule-over, (GEN 4:6). Then when we observe that there are brethren who have fallen to temptation and who have continued to bear bad-fruits, like created false-evidences and slandering the reputation of co-worker. We should not help Satan to achieve his objective.  We should try our best to save the brethren from Satan. We should warn them that they should not continue to sin. However, we also observe that such brethren fail to realize the goodness of our warning. Instead, they are thinking otherwise and hatred has overwhelmed them.  We have observed that through their prestigious position and authority, they have made the compassionate-warning into an incidence.

Unfortunately other members of the church have blindly accused the person who is trying to save the brethren as the creator of the incidence.

How come church members could not realize that the incidence is created by the one who has bore bad-fruit and not by the one who tries to save him? Are we standing on the side of Satan or are we standing on the side of God?

How come church members are so easily cheated by Satan? Satan has created the chaotic incidence amongst us. And sadly to observe that such a small incidence created by Satan has successfully won over many of our church members to voluntarily becoming Satan’s helpers! There are many of our church members who are helping Satan to drag those who have bore bad-fruit towards hell instead of saving them.

Please pray to our merciful God to have compassion on us that our church members can become awaken, to truly know God and to reclaim back the lost ECCLESIA, a gathering call out by Lord Jesus with Him as our King!


常用方言禱告 常唱詩歌讚美 神 大有幫助 我們人真是軟弱 只有靠主剛強


今天是9月1日,上萬的台灣人民為了捍衛言論自由站出來,反對旺中集團壟斷媒體市場。同時,香港學生也發起學民思潮的抗議,要求香港政府撤回洗腦式的國民教育。反觀近來聯總的事件,不禁有所感觸。是否我們也應當思考,當言論自由被剝奪,將不再有來自各個族群的聲音;當言論自由被剝奪,公義將被少數人掌控;當言論自由被剝奪,我們將看到下一代的無所適從;當言論自由被剝奪,人們將只能活在一個被掌權者所建構出的世界。而這一切,正無聲無息地發生在我們周遭。以下節錄自反旺中活動聲明,企盼我們面對21世紀的教會體制亦能有所省思。 「這是一份學生的宣言,一份追求言論與思想自由的宣言。 我們這個世代,是成長於解嚴後的世代。在我們的成長背景裡,言論自由一直是稀鬆平常的事情……但是,7月25日以後……我們見到台灣解嚴以來新聞與言論自由最黑暗的一天。我們難過,追求正義的知識份子,被無情打壓。我們遺憾,追求真相的青年學子,被恐嚇清算。但是,在經歷這一切之後,我們決定,不再沉默,不再沉默! 一個呼喊自由的聲音,就要從我們口中發出, 一炬捍衛自由的烈火,就要從我們胸口燒開! 今天,只是開始,不是結束!即使大雨磅礡,即使風吹雨淋, 旺中倒下後的彩虹,仍將還給我們自由。」 僅此共勉之。









主耶稣基督不撇下我们为孤儿(约翰1418),今天更活在我们里头(约翰656)。主耶稣基督活在每一位信徒里头,使信耶稣的人在末日可以得永生,更奠定了每个人平等得到基督所赐的启示与智慧的自由!活在我们里头的主耶稣基督,不仅会教导我们祂的吩咐,也会带我们进入祂的真理里面, 更可以充满我们,赐给我们不同的恩赐,感动我们与启示我们,所以请不要消灭圣灵的感动。











In a certain TJC church, a certain Dn. W has been giving false teachings on the pulpit for more than a decade. For instance, he said “Y2K will be the end of the world! You need to prepare enough food and an electric generator for the catastrophe! ” (of course he said this in the 90’s;) “The name of the Father is YHWH, the name of the Son is Jesus, and the same of the Spirit is Messiah;”  “America has chosen the wrong president (Barak Obama)!” “Islam is the enemy!” Many members of that church walk out of the chapel when seeing that deacon on the pulpit. USGA did not help that church to get that deacon off the pulpit. That church’s council could not remove him from the pulpit. Hence, this deacon is still giving a sermon once every month on the pulpit in that TJC church.


If the IA or USGA does not deal with that deacon who claimed Y2K was the end of the world, who actually caused some members to fall (indeed one member bought a ton of food to prepare for Y2K), then why do they deal with Pr. Yang? Can IA or GA or Elder Lin tell TJC members in front of our Lord Jesus, that they fired Pr. Yang not because of their jealousy or hatred, but because of Pr. Yang’s speech? Did Pr. Yang actually cause anybody to fall? If IA or USGA can provide concrete evidence that Pr. Yang actually caused people to fall, then we will be silent.


I do not personally know Pr. Yang (so no one can call me one of his fans). I only listened to his report about his work in Africa once. I came to believe the Lord at TJC at the age of 17, and I used to be proud of our church. I am still trying to bring my parents, mother-in-law and my sisters to our church. I keep emphasizing to them how loving our church people are. So the reader can imagine how painful I feel when I see a preacher fired without concrete evidence against him (1 Timothy 5:17-19). The Bible tells us to help the brothers and sisters in need (James 2:15-16). But some ministers in our church—those who we should look up to—pushed Pr. Yang and his family to become in need. How can I bring my family to such a church? If they know what really is going on in our church—that there is full of injustice and mercilessness, why would they come?


A very kind wife of a minister told me “not to lose the peace in my heart” because of this event. But was not Jeremiah weeping? Would he remain peaceful when witnessing violence and injustice?


May the Lord have mercy on us and grant us justice again.  

Ultimately, YM’s case is nothing less than a witch hunt.
I am not his fan either; before visiting him this past week, I have not seen him since late 1980’s. I got involved was because some people were weeping over injustice in the organization. I took a look at evidence and decided that if I do not come forward, I would have trespass our Lord Jesus.
YM’s view is like the view of the apostle Paul. He searched for the deep truth in the bible. He put his faith in bible, believing that God is all good, God is love, and God is light.
Paul believing that his God is God for all mankind. So he preached to the gentile. Even after the council of Jerusalem, some Jews still refused to accept Paul’s understanding of the truth.  He pressed on his faith in the Word. Today, there are more Christian in gentile than of Jews.
YM’s welcome challenges to his theory. That is why he called his study “theory”. He did not title his study “Truth of xxxx”. If the church would have kept an open mind, then in time, we will seek the deep truth from the bible, and find out if YM is right.
Paul believing in only one doctrine, Jesus is the savior. He believed that in Christ, we will be free. But because our freedom in the Lord, we know what to do to care for our brothers.
YM likes freedom in the Christ. If there were two passages in the bible about one topic, some people would pick the harsher one as their faith. YM would pick the “love” side. God want all nations to be saved. To YM, it is all nations! But to some people, they would think this “all nations” means those who attend TJC.
Paul look at bible closely, so he discover the truth about gentile been planned to be save in the story of Abraham offering his son to God.
YM is not Paul, I am not here to make him like Paul, I am only paraphrasing. but he searched the bible to help people come to Christ. He believed we, after Jesus have died for us, are the king, the son, and the priest. So we have freedom to serve God without a title from an organization.
God gave Jesus to us. In Jesus, we have freedom. YM is not a threat to God, please free believers from witch hunt!


Dear irisfranz,

The only objective for our organization is to bear witness for Christ. We are to teach others to follow the same commands Jesus asked us to obey. Therefore literally, sin is defined in the Oxford dictionary as “an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law”.

You have seen the fruits bore by Deacon W and IA. I am pretty sure if you analyze one more step further, you will be able to see the root-cause that lead to such fruition. (MATT 7:15-20) So look at the fruits and you may be able to see the concepts shining out from them.

Jesus said no one know when the end-time will be (MATT 24).  Deacon W. had tried to deceive the congregation and sinned against Jesus’ command.

Jesus said I am the Father (John 14:7, 9). Deacon denied Jesus is the Father and the given name. He had sinned against Jesus’ command.

God told Cain to rule over sin - a desire in his heart to act against God’s command to do GOOD but shunt EVIL (Gen 4:6-7). Deacon failed to recognize his desire as his enemy. He scapegoat Islam as the enemy and disobey God’s command.

What could be the reason the church and IA did not deal with such person who sinned against God’s commandments? A sister’s testimony told us that they care more for money than justice of God. They could be encouraging congregation to sin against God’s commandments instead of obeying them.

What fruits that the church and IA had bore?

If you are bold enough to scrutinize them critically, you would be startle by observing such close similarity of the root-cause.

In the process of kicking YM out of their organization, IA generated false evidences against YM through GOMA incidence. YM submitted proof against the accusation and IA quietly destroyed them. Therefore IA had sinned against God’s commandments.

IA defamed YM’s reputation by spreading rumors that YM was not honest, and that the Spirit of God dwelling in him was questionable. This had also sinned against God’s commandments.

IA denied responsibility that IA had assigned YM/Elder Hsieh to research the origin of evil spirit and devil. They continued to defame YM even after YM ceased talking about his thesis when it was rejected by TRC. This was sinning against God’s commandments.

IA twisted YM’s suggestion “Truths are entrusted once, and gradually being revealed”. This phrase meant to mean our initial comprehension of the truths might be wrong. However the Spirit of God may reveal to us the actual meaning of His words at later time. Therefore we should not destroy such revelation without carefully studying it. The truth remained unchanged but man’s comprehension change. But IA twisted it to mean YM was suggesting that God’s Truths changed in time. This was sinning against God’s work.

1 COR 3:16 and John 6:56 contain similar message. The Spirit of God dwells in us. Lord Jesus lives inside us. The Spirit of our Almighty God filled all-in-all. How could the Spirit of God dwelling inside us cannot filled our little body-size? Could the Spirit of God not filled us with different gifts but it must only be the gift of speaking with other tongues? Again, this action denied God’s self-decision capability, destroyed God’s revelation and movement.

The audible sound-like-the-blowing-of-violent-wind and the visible tongue-of-fire were clear evidences. They had clearly proven to the disciples that Jesus was with them and had never left them as orphans. When each of the disciples was enabled to speaking with other tongues from each own-mouth, it was another clear-evidence proving to the disciples that

not only Lord Jesus was with them but Lord Jesus was inside them. Our church does not realize that the old-comprehension could be wrong. Instead our church is using the gift from God to divide the limbs of Christ into two categories: [one pleases by God] and [the other not pleases by God]. They refuse to open their eyes and ears to the new revelation. They had acted against God.

Apostle Paul started his explanation telling us that we are just individual members of Christ or the branches of the vine. The branches belong to Christ and therefore we are Christ’s branches/members. Paul continued to extrapolate which meant to tell us that all the members gathered together forming an organization. Figuratively, such an organization can also be described as a body. Since this organization belongs to Christ, it can be described as Christ’s organization or Christ’s body. But Paul did not mean to tell us that the members have now become the physical-body of Christ. How can we as believers when gather in great number becoming the physical-body of Christ which logically and totally does not make any sense at all! The church had deceived its congregation. It has sinned against Lord Jesus command to bear witness for him.

Concerning Foot-Washing ceremony:  our church does not follow the example set by Lord Jesus. Instead, we have turned scathing critique of Christ against Apostle Peter who had tried to stop Jesus from carrying out his work into a must-have ceremony. We ignore the calling of Christ to those disciples whom Christ sent to spread the Gospel. Christ commanded the disciples whom he had sent to wash one another’s feet because none of them was greater than any other. And none of them was greater than their master who sent them. Did you see that Liang washed Yang’s feet? Did you see that Yang washed Ker’s feet? Did you see that Ker washed Che’s feet? Did you see those being sent wash one another’s feet? The church failed to follow the example and it is not being blessed by God.

The root-cause

Our so-called true church does not uphold Jesus’ commandments. In the opposite, the church tries to suppress those who see the truths and who have wanted to preach the truths. Therefore the true church you have seen is no more the pillar of truths. Can you ignorantly think you are still in a true church?

You should have understood the reason why they did not deal with Deacon W. because they are in the same gang preaching and acting against Jesus’ commandments.

If you are bold enough to think critically, you will see the true-state of our church. Will you then not join-force to claim back the lost church of Christ? Therefore the advice of [not to lose the peace in my heart] should really mean that when you stand up for the truth from Christ, even though you may be persecuted like YM has, remember the peace from God is always be with you. Lord Jesus has never left us behind as orphans. Have faith that Lord Jesus is always living with us and living in us, even though we cannot see him with our naked eyes.

May God bless you abundantly!



If you read Chinese Language, you can refer to the followings:

联总与YM所当负的责任? http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/08/ym.html

制死想要犯罪的私欲!Kill the desire to sin!  http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/09/kill-desire-to-sin.html

浅谈撒旦自存论里提到的一些概念  http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/08/blog-post_28.html

從我们眼睛可以看到有凭有据的【教会所结的坏果】And Translation! http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/04/and-translation.html

洗脚有感:明白为何主要洗门徒的脚 http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2011/06/blog-post.html

从神而来的自由 http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/09/blog-post.html

属灵战争的第三战:以色列人厌弃神为他们的王 http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2012/08/blog-post.html

圣灵的洗事件发生的目的:约翰福音14章一个隐藏了两千多年的秘密 http://desert-rose-1.blogspot.com/2011/07/1.html