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Finally, the choir of Tai-Yuan Correction Institute was formed and started to practice. When the members began to sing a simple melody of sing a round, I was deeply touched. I knew that all of them have been hurt; they tried to find the healing by joining the choir. But somehow, did I not try to seek the healing for myself by joining them in this choir?


After the class, the Director of the Institute embraced me tightly with tears in his eyes. He murmured the thankfulness to me for forming the choir for the prisoners disregarding their past faults. I could see that the Director, the counsellors, and the guards were all touched into tears by the beautiful sound of the choir.

In the small room of the hotel I stayed that night, this thought struck me while I prayed to God: There are so many people lost and confused in their life because they do not understand the God’s words of life. Jesus as a good shepherd climbed to the high mountain and treaded to the deep valley to find his lost sheep. Today, He has gathered these lost sheep for us. We do not even have to try to find them; they are in front of us! But are we willing to lead them to Jesus?

I went this afternoon with some counsellors to visit the other prisons to inspect the construction sites of the chapels there. The goal is to allow the prisoners to worship God and to receive the words of God in a proper chapel. And then the choir will also have a place to practice. They have contributed over six million dollars to build tens of chapels in the prisons around the country. Now they decided to build three chapels in the three prisons in Taitung. Though they are not the members we reckoned as that of the “one and only one” true church, their dedication and efforts of spreading gospels are genuine. Are we not always frustrated by the inability of preaching the gospel? Or are we just simply not aware of the debts that we owed to the lost sheep like Paul felt toward the people?

These counsellors with a clear goal of life in their heart are not richer than us. But they are willing to contribute the money to build the chapels for the prisoners to help them have a proper place to worship God. They are indeed Christians who pass down the love of Jesus. How about us? Pondering and Reflecting!


感謝大哥的翻譯 謝謝




神創造人的意義是什麼呢 ?


是使我們再成為創造者成為我們想成為的最完美的狀態而我們背多少重擔迫使我們自己不再追求自己所是的樣子呢 ?



Now I go into the prison and out of the prison every week. The chasm constituted by the high walls and the cold barbed wires separated the people inside and those outside. Every time when I walked through the prison gate, I cannot but keep pondering these thoughts. The people inside the prison, though their physical bodies are in bondage, their spirits are experiencing the healing gradually. But for those of us who are outside of the prison and physically free, our hearts are actually locked in bondage. We may have the freedom of movements and thinking, but in fear.

What is God’s purpose of creating us? It is to make us a creator, to mold ourselves to be the most beautiful and the best being that we dare wish to be. But how much burdens have we laden ourselves that we are unable and no longer pursuing what we really wish to be???