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因為神是公義的 For God Is Just

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教會相關,不喜勿入;關心教會者請務必看完 Disclaimer: This is church related; if you don't like the church then please ignore it, but if you care about the church then please finish reading it.

English translation is after the Chinese text

From http://blog.xuite.net/owenchaolin/deutschland/61721102













































































從前在百姓中有假先知(false prophets)起來,將來在你們中間也必有假師傅(false teachers),私自引進陷害人的異端,連買他們的主他們也不承認,自取速速的滅亡。(彼後2:1)




耶穌也提醒我們,判斷的標準是行為:憑著他們的果子,就可以認出他們來。…..所以,憑著他們的果子就可以認出他們來。(7:16, 20)







“Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” (Eph 5:17)
Some brothers and sisters have asked, concerning the matter of the IA’s termination of Pr. YM Yang: “How do you know that it is not the will of God that Pr. Yang be terminated?” I think that the most important thing for most brothers and sisters who have grown up in the church is to submit to God’s will.
Yes, it is indeed very important to understand the will of God. But how do you know what God’s will is? Is it God’s will for us to submit to the IA’s decision? Or is it God’s will for us to make a thorough investigation of the IA’s doings?
The people were rescued from Egypt. At the foot of Mount Sinai, they listened to the righteous and holy God as He spoke the law. Led by the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire, they prepared to possess the promised land flowing with milk and honey. Twelve leaders entered the good land of Canaan to spy it out, but ten of these leaders lost faith and gave the people a bad report. The people lamented and decided to return to Egypt. The true God was greatly angered, and it was only because of Moses’ intercession that He finally relented and instead punished the unbelieving people for a period of forty years, so that they all perished in the wilderness. We may ask: Was it the will of God for the people to enter the land of Canaan forty years before? Or did He intend for them to wander around in the wilderness for forty years before entering Canaan?
In the wilderness, the people grew tired of eating the manna that fell from heaven and complained that they had had an abundance of vegetables and meat in Egypt. When the true God heard this, he instructed Moses to tell the people to prepare to eat meat, for from the next day, He would give the people meat to eat, until it came out of their nostrils. Moses was greatly astonished, and even asked God how so much meat could be provided for so many people? As expected, God sent a great wind and the land was covered with quails. The people rejoiced, but before the meat was chewed, God’s punishment arrived and He struck the people with a very great plague on that day. We may ask: Was it or was it not the will of God to give the people meat to eat?
If the people had had faith, they could have entered Canaan forty years before; if the people had known to be content, they would not have had to bear the pain they experienced in Kibroth Hattaavah. These are examples of times when the acts of men did not accord with the original intentions of God.
When Moses was about to leave this world, he repeated the law of God in the wilderness east of the river Jordan. He repeatedly told the Israelites that after they entered that good land of Canaan promised to them, they must not forget the God that had brought them up out of Egypt; that they must never adopt the customs and religions of the foreign tribes of Canaan, nor serve their graven idols of gold, silver, wooden and stone, lest the true God destroy them. However, after the time of Joshua, the people indeed went astray and took this evil course. This worsened during the period of the kings, when the kings led the people into idol worship, until finally, the true God reluctantly destroyed the people and left them in exile amongst the gentiles! We may ask: Was it really God’s will for the people to worship idols? Wasn’t God’s will actually that the people
not worship idols?
Regardless of how unwilling the true God was for this to happen, the people still went ahead and worshipped idols. In other words, not everything that happens on earth is the will of God.

“Now let me sing to my Well-beloved a song of my Beloved regarding His vineyard: My Well-beloved has a vineyard on a very fruitful hill. He dug it up and cleared out its stones, and planted it with the choicest vine. He built a tower in its midst, and also made a winepress in it; so He expected it to bring forth good grapes, but it brought forth wild grapes.” (Is 5:1-2)
This song of the vineyard in the book of Isaiah clearly reveals that the true God expected the people to bring forth good grapes, but they brought forth wild grapes instead. What, then, are good and bad grapes?

“For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are His pleasant plant. He looked for justice, but behold, oppression; for righteousness, but behold, a cry for help.” (Is 5:7)
When the judges, the priests, and the people no longer retain a spirit of justice and righteousness, when a country has forgotten the righteousness of God’s holy law... even if these were to be the only chosen people from amongst all the nations, they are but wild grapes in God’s eyes!
With this in mind, we can once again turn to the issue of the IA and Pr. YM Yang. The point is not whether the IA’s termination of Pr. YM Yang was in accordance with God’s will, but whether the IA’s termination of Pr. YM Yang was righteous? Were the procedures used just?
Because it is most certainly the will of God for us to do things which are pleasing to Him!

“For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright.” (Ps 11:7)

The second question: Wouldn’t being unsubmissive create confusion and division in the church? And isn’t this very confusion and division the work of the devil?

“This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.” (Jas 3:15-16)
As it is recorded in the Bible, where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But who has caused this conflict of today? Has it not arisen because of the termination of Pr. YM Yang? So many people have willingly spoken up today --- is it not because they recognize that Pr. YM Yang is a good preacher, and that there are too many points of doubt concerning the IA’s termination of Pr. Yang?*
Moreover, as far as I know, amongst most of the brothers and sisters who ask that this matter be looked into, not one wishes for the church to be confused or divided. On the contrary, it is because these brothers and sisters are unwilling to see the church confused and divided that they have asked that the matter be handled openly, justly and fairly!
If the church had dealt with things in an open manner and given fair and impartial explanations, a great deal of “confusion and division” could have been avoided. We may ask: Who should assume most of the responsibility for the present situation? The answer should be clear to any discerning person.

“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” (Jas 3:17)

The third is a question of standpoint. A says B lied, B says there’s something wrong with A. Each side sticks to its own point of view, neither side giving way to the other. Now, in order to judge the truth of the matter, should we let A be the judge? Should we let B be the judge? Or should we let an objective third party, C, act as the judge?

“... ‘Hear the cases between your brethren, and judge righteously between a man and his brother or the stranger who is with him. You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small as well as the great; you shall not be afraid in any man’s presence, for the judgment is God’s...’” (Deut 1:16-17)
Pr. YM Yang says that the IA are lying; this is his position. The IA says Pr. Yang’s teachings are problematic; this is the IA’s position. The most impartial way of resolving this would be to set up a third party commission of inquiry so that this third party can look into the matter. This is also the opinion and view of many brothers and sisters.
To put this in secular terms, the problem today is that the IA holds dual authority over both administrative and judicial matters. If Pr. YM Yang accuses the IA EXCO members of lying, these very same people will be acting as judges in the trial --- would this not be very unfair towards Pr. YM Yang? Therefore, this matter requires the adjudication of a third party (as the IA itself is involved and would be unable to maintain an objective position); such a course of action (the segregation of judicial authority from the IA) would be in accordance with the spirit of justice in the Bible.
Some may say: Can a decision made by more than ten IA members be wrong? Surely they can’t all be wrong?

Observers on the sidelines often see more clearly than those involved in a situation. The point is not how many IA EXCO members there are who made the decision, but that those concerned are all part of the IA. It is only human to speak with one’s own interests in mind (call it “human feelings” or call it “covering up for one another”!). What we want is the truth! Not just official documents saying how one has been wronged, or how one has no choice but to act against one’s will, or how one is acting out of love!
May we ask why the IA, knowing very well that simply setting up a commission of inquiry would settle this dispute, would rather spend a pile of money on plane tickets in trying to put out fires all over the place, than allow an uninvolved third party to carry out an investigation? Moreover, why did they demand that Pr. Yang delete the audio recording made on the day of the meeting? Would this be considered an act of destruction of evidence?

“You shall appoint judges and officers in all your gates, which the Lord your God gives you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with just judgment. You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe...” (Deut 16:18-20)

Some may ask: Isn’t the IA simply using a clever method of getting rid of Pr. Yang, since he is causing harm to the church? It has no choice but to use “clandestine” methods.
First of all, the Bible requires us to overcome evil with good, not to repay evil with evil (Rom 12:21)! Even if the IA has determined that there is a problem with Pr. YM Yang, for it to use improper means to protect the church is wrong! It is unbiblical!
What if, deep down, the IA considers Pr. YM Yang to be a heretic, but calls him a brother on the surface? This is the sort of pretense condemned by Jesus and those who engage in such would be no different from the hypocritical Pharisees!
Very well! It would indeed be wrong if the IA were to have used “clandestine” methods. But what about Pr. YM Yang --- is there also a problem with him?
According to the two explanatory statements issued by the IA after the termination, Pr. YM Yang is guilty on two main counts: Not respecting the truth and not complying with the organization’s rules.
I think there is a very important prerequisite, as recorded in the Bible:
“One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established.” (Deut 19:15)
The IA says that Pr. YM Yang has not complied with the postings assigned to him and not respected the decisions of the IA. Could the IA then please put forward the testimony of “two or three witnesses”, asking them to testify in the holy name of the Lord Jesus that Pr. Yang has indeed not complied with the postings assigned to him? If not, all this is just empty talk!

The questions concerning the truth include: 1) the question of the origin of Satan, 2) the question of the truth being gradually revealed, and 3) the question of being filled with the Holy Spirit after baptism.
The first two of these have been discussed in the Truth Research Committee (TRC); the question concerning the Holy Spirit has not. Let’s begin with the last of these questions:

If the IA’s own views concerning a topic relating to the truth can be announced in the form of administrative documents without first being discussed in the TRC, then why do we still need the TRC? In other words, using this topic concerning the Holy Spirit to accuse Pr. Yang of problematic teachings is wrong! Using administrative documents to highlight his so-called errors only makes the cover up more obvious!
The second topic was passed during the TRC meeting held in 2008, but this decision was overturned in 2010. The title of this topic was
“Truth is entrusted once for all but is gradually revealed.” Can you imagine this? The conclusion of the meeting held in the holy name of the Lord Jesus in 2008 was: It is correct to say that the truth is gradually revealed. In 2010, a similar meeting held in the holy name of the Lord Jesus concluded: Pr. Yang’s proposal that the truth is gradually revealed is incorrect! By logic, if the latter conclusion is correct, the former conclusion must also be correct (since the truth has indeed been revealed); if the former conclusion is correct, then the latter must also be correct (since the former emphasizes that the truth will be revealed gradually). Thus, both the TRC’s decisions support the view of Pr. Yang!
Concerning the question of the origin of Satan, the conclusion of the TRC meeting held in 2007 was: there can be further discussion on this topic, but it should not be presented or discussed openly. The IA maintains that Pr. YM Yang has gone against this conclusion and openly preached on this topic and placed related material on the internet. May I ask what proof there is of this? Please find two or three witnesses who will testify of this in the holy name of the Lord Jesus!
The IA keeps stressing that there are problems with Pr. YM Yang’s teachings and that this has affected many believers. In order to prevent believers from stumbling, the IA has had no choice but to deal with him. As above, please find two or three witnesses who have personally heard him speak on this topic --- not witnesses who have heard others’ interpretations of his words --- and who will bear witness in the holy name of the Lord Jesus! If there are no such witnesses, God will judge the matter!

“One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established.” (Deut 19:15)

Because the preachers and ministers of the church claim that Pr. Yang is at fault, many brothers and sisters are reluctant to believe otherwise; since the preachers of the church are good preachers, what they say must be true!
Yes! Please do not doubt the moral character of the preacher who has given you the information, but do please question the source of his news. The majority of preachers and ministers have never even seen Pr. YM Yang and would not know what kind of a person he is. Furthermore, most of the news comes from the higher levels of the IA, so those hearing this news would naturally incline towards the IA’s position. But note: what we need is an objective and impartial standpoint, not one that is biased towards the IA!

“Then I commanded your judges at that time, saying, ‘Hear the cases between your brethren, and judge righteously between a man and his brother or the stranger who is with him.” (Deut 1:16)

The final question concerns the issue of emotions. Many brothers and sisters are fearful of the matter in hand, because if Pr. YM Yang’s views regarding the IA are correct, it would mean that certain highly respected elders and preachers have been lying! This is a terrible thing! How can they, as leaders of the church, do such things in the church?
There is no need to be afraid or worried before the matter has been clarified. The IA may not be in the wrong, and Pr. Yang may not be in the right. If Pr. Yang is at fault, then he should bear the responsibility and all the elders and preachers of the IA should have their name cleared! If the IA is at fault, then we should drive out the lies and trickery from the church and Pr. Yang should have his name cleared!
Whatever the case may be, the IA cannot be left with the final say. If there is no impartial third party to conduct a trial, or if the IA is unwilling to establish an independent third party adjudicator, then history will forever remember this matter. I believe that future generations will make the IA out to have been suffering from a guilty conscience!
Therefore I solemnly appeal to the current leaders in “power”: If you are unwilling to take this step, future generations --- with good reason --- will surely wonder why you did not dare to do so; existing evidence certainly suggests that you have not abided by the rules and regulations and have not treated Pr. Yang justly and righteously. Moreover, you will not be given the opportunity to clear your names (how effective can it be for one to assert one’s own innocence?)!
The establishment of an independent third party panel would obviate the need for secular judicial proceedings; it would provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate your innocence and leave for history a record of a responsible attitude. If you do not do this... ah, IA, it would look as if you really do have a guilty conscience!

“Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, you people in whose heart is My law: Do not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their insults. For the moth will eat them up like a garment, and the worm will eat them like wool; but My righteousness will be forever, and My salvation from generation to generation.” (Is 51:7-8)
*There are at least three facts which the IA cannot deny:

1. The IA did not properly attempt to verify the contents of China’s Board of Ministers’ anonymous letter of accusation against Pr. YM Yang (the falsehoods contained therein have now been specifically pointed out). 2. The matter of how Eld. Yung-Ji Lin involved himself in the affairs of Paris church and caused confusion in Paris church --- Eld. Lin should have avoided acting as chairman during the discussion concerning this motion, yet he remained in the role of chairman. 3. According to the regulations, the IA is only allowed to terminate YM Yang’s position as a preacher; it is not allowed to terminate his position as an IA EXCO member, since this is a position elected by the world delegates. The IA has obviously overstepped the bounds of its authority!
I really do not wish to see the church go to court over this matter, but I’m guessing that the IA does not have the courage and boldness to establish an independent third party panel to investigate the issue; I very much hope that I am wrong. On the other hand, this matter will one day become clear. It may take three years, or it may take thirty years; regardless, we are saved in the true church through Jesus --- not through preachers or ministers, and not through the IA. Brothers and sisters, please pray for this matter, but do not lose hope in the church. This is the church of Jesus! This is the house of God!
Many people accuse Pr. YM Yang of being a heretic, a separatist, and an instrument of Satan in these end times. I am very reluctant to scare people using the Bible, but a careful reading of it will show that Jesus and the apostles always reminded the church to beware of false prophets and false teachers (these come from within the church)! Furthermore, these “false prophets” and “false teachers” are written of in the plural sense! For example:

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” (Matt 7:15)

“Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.” (Matt 24:11)
“But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.” (2 Pet 2:1)

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 Jn 4:1)
I am not saying that the IA EXCO members are false prophets and false teachers; I am merely saying that the false prophets and false teachers of the end times are referred to in the plural sense and not the singular!
Of course, it is the truth which determines what is heretical. As noted above, the church itself has not said that Pr. Yang’s teachings are heretical. In fact, his view that
“truth is entrusted once for all but is gradually revealed” was accepted (the subsequent overturning of this decision in fact proves the thesis’s very correctness)! The issue of the origin of Satan was similarly not declared to be heretical; in fact, it was concluded that there was room for further discussion! As for the question concerning the Holy Spirit... the IA has not even had the courage to ask for the topic to be researched by the TRC!
Jesus also reminds us that we are judged according to our conduct: “You will know them by their fruits... Therefore by their fruits you will know them.” (Matt 7:16, 20)
Consider carefully the work of Pr. YM Yang, including the things he has done after his termination. Are the fruits of a man who continues to preach the gospel and work diligently even after being terminated good or bad?
Those who consider Pr. Yang to be a heretic, please note: I cannot change your views, but if, at the judgment seat, Jesus says, “YM Yang is my good and faithful servant”, how would you answer Jesus?
Things must be judged in accordance with the evidence available, not according to human feelings and relationships! The IA’s termination of Pr. Yang was neither just nor righteous, and the reasons given afterwards were unsupported by relevant evidence --- the case is completely unconvincing! Man is limited and cannot know everything, but to do justly, to love mercy --- these are most certainly things which God wants us to do!

“But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: ‘We ought to obey God rather than men.’” (Acts 5:29)

“In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.” (1 Jn 3:10)

“And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.” (Rev 19:8)



美總常務與地方教會安排的與信徒溝通的座談會,如期舉開。與會同靈約五十人,提問問題共32條,與YM有関的約佔十分之九。GA 總負責人梁得仁傳道因說是塞車的緣故,所以遲到一小時,二位GA 常務對等待中的信徒做了詳細的工作報告,也對地方教會本身問題的提問作了回答,過程尚稱平和。後因主席(GA陳執事)拒絶與會信徒的提議,未將討論的問題post 在白版上,並聲明YM與IA 的事不很清楚,不便作答,問題會由美國GA移交給IA,作書面的答覆。想當然在IA 總認為YM是個亂源的偏見下,不難猜測會等到什麼樣的答覆。信徒們也因此感到有些遺憾。


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It is a fact that Daniel survived the lion den. However, it is also a fact that Stephen died after he was stoned (Acts 7). Both of them are righteous. Same as many early Christian martyrs. They suffered persecution and died. Hence, I find it wrong to say “as long as he didn’t do wrong, he will be fine…. (and therefore it is okay to fire him and to ignore the request of the members to re-open this case)” Indeed he might be fine now, but the sheep are suffering.


Halleluiah, Praise the Lord!

In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, I write!

Dear brothers and sisters,

I thank God that irisfranz had highlighted the most worrisome problem behind the dismissal of Pr Yang.

It is the sheep, who remain in the church whom will be led by those leaders bearing bad-fruits and who may have ignorantly following the-bad-trees over the cliff, which we are worrying about!

It is the reason we are openly condemning the bad-fruits but not the person who bears bad-fruit so that the congregation knows that bearing bad-fruit does not please God but condemns by God. However, our God is the righteous God and our God is also full of mercy and compassion. Therefore God allows those who reject His words until the end of their last breath to repent. This is what we are hoping to see. (John 12:44-50)

Therefore all congregations should clearly understand the following:

All those who have been appointed into IA and TRC have the authority to perform their job. However having authority to do their job does not grant them the right to perform against all Lord Jesus’ commandments. (Matt 28:18-20)



Referring to the book of Ephesians (1:13-17; 5:1-7)

Apostle Paul had stated that to truly understand who God is, just having believed and being sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise is not good enough. Therefore Paul prayed to the heavenly Father to grant us the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of revelation in the knowledge of Him.

If you can mull and heed over Paul’s message, you may understand that having the well known [spirit of utterance] is not good enough. We have to pray and ask God to give us [the spirit of wisdom] and [the spirit of revelation] (ISA 11:2). With such additional spiritual gifts then we may truly know HIM! Those who know Him will fear HIM. Those who fear God will not use such filthy ways to pervert another brother’s thesis and to create false evidence slandering him and to fire him without a proper trial. Because every one of us knows that such person, who performs such filthy acts and even if he possess the spirit of utterance, has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Therefore do not be partakers with them. (EPH 5:5-7)

May peace be with you always!

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