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Re- 教會問題一籮筐(續十) <有關宗教教育的問題>


Dear Bwnj:

I don’t know how to e-mail in Chinese.

When I was a child, my parents only love boys. I have accepted that the world is not a fair place. Even mothers don’t love their own children.

When I go to work, I face racial discrimination, jealousy, selfishness and helpfulness there. My manager almost wanted to fire me. Through prayers, my continuous forgiveness and willingness to help, my manager finally appreciates me.

At home, everybody is a different individual. God must have put a different brain in each one which enables everyone to perceive and do things differently. That is God’s divine power and His love for variety. I gave up changing anyone because no one wants to change. I only insisted if it falls into the track of sin or hurting others. I accept my power is limited.

At church, I witness the lack of love, laziness , selfishness . I also witness and receive a lot of love and assistance.

Lately I read a famous saying, that person realizes his limitation to change the world and his family. So he decides to change himself, in turn, his family , and surroundings are affected by him in a positive way.

Love and positive attitudes give me the strength and happiness to move on. Negative attitudes can drain me. So I gather with all those who still believe in the powerful grace of our Lord, love, unity, positive attitudes, we oversee human weaknesses and enjoy doing Church work.

I have in the past given my opinion in Religious Education, NYTS and NATS. I have tried, the rest  I leave it unto God.

My children know the negative human weaknesses in the church, my job is to educate them not to be defeated. Believe that the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ still lives in the church with us.

I have witnessed those members who are overly affected by the human weaknesses in the church members, they react by withdrawing, negative, angry, their children are affected the most. Some even relay the message that the church members are worst than the gentiles, at least the church members won’t try to cheat, steal or kill them like the outside world. Of course, the matching of marriage will be affected also.

God Bless