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  • The 3rd Letter that I Submitted to the IA


    Dear All,


    Hallelujah, greetings in the Lord.


    May this short note find you and your loved ones in the grace and love of our Lord Jesus.


    Sorry, it took me a bit longer than anticipated to release this report. One of many delay reasons was waiting for the IA office to provide English version of the IA official documents cited in the report. Hope you find this article useful in understanding why God has led us into the wilderness and the lessons that we must learn in order for God to lead us out of the wilderness.


  • 「停職」事件為何還未提出民事訴訟?

    回顧日記: 2012.03.23 梁得仁傳道宣讀完停職決議(第一版)之後: 我告訴會議場裡的人:張巴拿巴當年已經七、八十歲的孩子張石頭老前輩,在1989年拿著一疊資料在1989年的(聯總)真理研究會場外想要平反他父親,那受傷又無助的眼神刺痛我心至今。23年了!所以人要怎樣污衊我,隨便。但只要這污衊內容化成公文被發佈、成史料,為了我孩子、為了我孫子能在教會裡抬頭挺胸的過日子,也為了公義和誠實能夠重新回到教會裡頭來,我絕對不會讓假的文件安靜的留在TJC的史料而不被指出。我會和這污衊奮戰,不會將這重擔留給子孫去承擔! 我聲明:
