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得享「知」的喜悅,稍解心中長久以來對教會有些醬缸文化的疑惑,再次觸動我的信仰生命,滿得造就,在得到作者的同意下,將會逐章逐節的PO 在HBO,願與弟兄姊妹們一起來分享及討論。

當然,這是未完成的初稿,須要得到更多的批評或修正,   Z弟兄的100條理念不可能全部適合真耶穌教會, 也不會人人贊同,但我想他是一位追求真理的人,讀者若有任何的疑奌,歡迎PO 文指教,相信Z弟兄會很樂意的跟我們做回應,有錯能改,放棄舊有思維,走向更寛廣且深入的真理探討,這正是集思廣義的好處,才不會形成另一個一言堂。

祈求父神加添智慧,聖靈的引導,使真理更加顕明,造就眾人, 加添力量,能以慎思明辨,促使教會能全面的檢討並撤底的做「返僕歸真」的改革。完成主所托付之神聖使命,將「真實」救人的福音傳偏天下,榮神益人。阿們。


Dear BWNJ, I am not sure whether others have problem following this discussion or not, I do encounter such difficulty since I come into this topic-forum late. Is it possible for you to post the working document at a permanent place so that whoever would like to get involve can do so easily and can access to the most up-to-date version? It is not easy to search a topic in HBL due to it's limited search capability. Will it be better to have all different sub-section-discussion within the same forum? Thank you very much for the organizing effort. God Bless