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谷中百合花基金會Lilies of the Valley

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Lilies of the Valley is a religious foundation registered with the government of the United States. It has been formed for the expressed purpose of funding autonomous evangelical and pastoral efforts undertaken by our members, outside the influence and control of the TJC's umbrella organizations. This fund is to assist the world-wide evangelical work and supplement the livelihood of the workers. Since the foundation is legally registered with the United States' government, any donations made in the USA will have receipts issued for tax deduction purposes. Complete details of the foundation itself and how donations may be made will be forthcoming very shortly. Thank you for your patience and support.


Peace Be With You!

Lily of the valley community outreach (LOTV, website:  www.lotv.us ) now accept donation.

If you would like to donate via credit card, please contact us at 214-770-4350.

If you would like to send us a check, please send it to:

Lily Of The Valley Community Outreach

10007 Harbor Hideaway Circle

Frisco, TX 75034

Residents of the USA are tax-deductible. We are a faith based 501C(3) organization registered with federal and state of Texas.

LOTV’s mission statement can be found in www.lotv.us . YM Yang is just a part of mission work that LOTV sponsor.

LOTV have met with Thomas Wu these past few weeks and have accepted following responsibilities for 2013:

1.       We have appointed YM Yang as person in charge of Europe/Africa Evangelical Mission. LOTV will provide part of monthly living allowance to this position.

2.       Evangelical/Pastoring work that YM Yang been assigned to USA will be fully sponsor by LOTV

3.       One main Africa mission will be sponsor by LOTV.

Additional assignment will be allocated in the future.

Total budget for 2013 will be about US$60,000.

We will appoint an auditor from HBL/7000 to be able to access financial detail soon.

Your donation will enable us to secure for year 2013 and beyond.

For further question, please email to contact@lotv.us







既然LOTV是聘YM來執行,應該不是第一種-真耶穌教會所傳的福音,是吧? 因為如果YM是傳第一種,應該就不會有被免除"真耶穌教會傳道"職務的事了.以"自由傳道人"的身分去傳"YM修正的福音"是LOTV所支持的,在法律上沒問題.但我也很好奇,請問LOTV只聘一位YM來執行其宗旨嗎? 只有一位嗎?


bwnj則是YM和林錫仁都支持,請問bwmj,YM會去傳"YM修正的福音"還是"林錫仁改革的福音"? 要大家捐款總要交待清楚,不能只說"傳福音"帶過去.


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>It has been formed for the expressed purpose of funding autonomous evangelical and pastoral efforts undertaken by our members, outside the influence and control of the TJC's umbrella organizations.

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請大家看仔細了:TJC組織之外的團體; outside the influence and control of the TJC's umbrella organizations,可以等於TJC的"外圍組織"嗎?,可以說成是TJC"附屬組織"嗎? 這種蒙混意圖令人懷疑其動機!







Thomas Wu> 活泉甘霖文化協會的宗旨是與聯總為互補. (自己硬要與TJC聯總扯上關係,卻又聲明完全不受聯總管轄)

Thomas Wu> 如支援莆田教區、如剛果Swhaili版的「得救要道」已印好小冊.(又是莆田,不就是權力角力,自立為王嗎? 很難自清啦,至少我不信你們的動機有多純正)


何況這兩個組織太像是為YM量身打造,這麼熱衷神的福音,過去都不成立,YM停職就要成立? 只聘YM,只有YM? 若是有人因為"TJC外圍組織"之字眼而捐款,事後弄清楚而反悔,那這種募款文小心吃上詐欺官司.



LOTV 很清楚說我們是TJC組織外的團體,從沒說是外圍組織。所以想請Calab 兄不要做假見證。



平常我們奉獻是不該讓他人知道的,但因您的緣故,我讓您知道,我的家今年捐給TJC USGA組織內的地方教會有在十萬美金上下。請不要認為我們是恨教會的人。我們只是覺得TJC沒有做到神交付給我們的任務,但因TJC(八萬人的那個組織)組織及制度己與TJC創教時的精神有所不同,所以決定試試其他服侍神的管道。








去掉"TJC"的字眼,至少比 "我們是TJC組織外的團體" 更符合你所要表達的吧! 不是更加的光明正大,沒有誤導意圖的嫌疑嗎?



We are exercise calling by our Lord Jesus, nothing more and nothing less. Unless you can proof to me, from the bible, that preaching Jesus require approval of the TCJ. So please stop these nonsenses and allow His people to preach.

If we have people want Lord Jesus to be their saviour, do you know where we would bring them to be baptized? We would bring them to TJC!

Apostle Paul took a very different approach to preach. Today, there are more believers came to know Christ than that of 12 disciples. If we can bring more to Christ, won't that be great?

LOTV preach simple thing: The Word! nothing more and nothing less. If TJC or it's followers think TJC own the truth, then I feel sorry for you and me. Why me? because I am a TJC member. Jesus own the truth! And by the way, He also owns the Way and the Life. You see, knowing the truth is just knowing 1/3 of Him. We have to walk His way and Live in Him to be of Him.

I have no interest in word game. So likely I will not response to your posting often.

May God Bless you!

Andrew Chu 








LOTV傳哪一種福音? 這才是關鍵.












YM YANG 不是保羅,但他有傳給非亞裔的恩賜,也在訓練工人上有他獨到的特色,所以LOTV決定採用他從神所受的恩賜,來恊助我們做神的工。

Andrew Chu


Thank you for a sane, generous and pragmatic voice, at last!!! And thank you for dispelling the stench wafting so persistently and stubbornly throughout the posts these past few weeks. Your reasoning and explanation cut right through the pompous, self-righteous hypocrisy that so many of us are suffering in our own local churches, and which have been given an additional venue (this open forum) to vent outside the pulpit! Please! Make it stop! How much longer must we endure this pain... Look around your local church and do as Andrew said, count how many non-asian faces, how many new converts, how many new converts that actually STAYED in our church! I am speaking to the TJC members in North/South America, Europe and Australia, generally any country that is not in the Far East. If you say that God has brought you to this 'foreign' land and you are grateful for His guidance, then why have you not learned to speak the language of the land, mingle with the local people, and actually make efforts to create a church environment that is welcoming and non-partisan? Why this closely guarded secret that we cannot share with any others UNLESS they comply with OUR way of thinking and doing? Wake up, people! The Lord says to preach the gospel to the four corners of the earth, not just to the asians, or people who speak our language and share our culture. Step outside our comfortable little box and share other cultures, learn from other ethnicities, LISTEN to what they have to say about their beliefs, ideals, fears, then maybe we will have a better understanding that the world is far bigger than what we've allowed ourselves to experience. Phew! Much better now that's off my chest... Now to the heart of the matter. If LOTV can achieve their mission of supporting evangelical and pastoral work around the world, then I say, good for them for taking the initiative and cutting through all the bureaucratic red-tape and political hand-wringing so prevalent in our church's organization, and actually make something good happen! This is not about preaching a different truth, as some deluded minds seem unable to grasp, this is about going forth and opening the way for the truth to be told to the countless many who have been shunned or neglected by our church's strictly conservative and lofty standards. Quit arguing over who's true, who's false; that tiresome argument will go on until our Lord comes again. Focus on the mission of reaching out to the needy, and taking care of them as Christ would have done Himself. LOTV is taking care of the mission of saving souls, not debating over the exactitude of every word and detail. That we can save for the TRC to wrangle over. For those of us who desire to contribute to this brave and worthy cause, we at least will know that our offerings will actually be put to good use, rather than languishing in some inaccessible account being controlled by some religious bureaucrats who think themselves prudent for the Lord, but are actually burying the talents in the ground! If LOTV proves to be a sham or is ineffective, then withdraw your support, offerings and prayers. What have you got to lose? Conversely, you can help to gain the whole world! Thank you, Andrew, for your clear-minded and rational approach to evangelism. We need to clone your level-headed, compassionate and upright attitude and inject it into our numb, timidly obedient and unimaginative souls. Perhaps one day, we will all bask in the glorious light of our God, together with His children of all colours, creeds and cultures. Praise be.


www.LOTV.US now accept paypal donation.

Again, LOTV is not affiliated to TJC. It is a independent non-profit organization. Your donation will be tax deductable in USA.



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