活泉甘霖的帳戶下來了! 詳情請點擊這裡

真是欺人太甚 !

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Dear 聯總美國辦事處同工,平安!


但愚職至今還未收到 貴會在愚職服務的二十多年間向美國政府繳交的報稅單以及停職的決定和理由。


為了向法國相關機構完成被原工作單位解職的登記手續,敬請 貴會及早開具愚職在 貴會的工作年限和 貴會向政府繳報的稅單以及對愚職停職的理由和決定。以便愚職能依程序完成登記手續,處理醫療保險和失業等問題。






楊昱民 敬上    2012/8/1




Dear 真耶穌教會國際聯合總會,平安!


在兩個星期前,81,愚職曾經發函請 貴會遵循法律程序,開具愚職工作服務年限和停職原因的證明,以便愚職能著手向有關機構登記,處理醫療保險和失業等問題(原信件掛在這信之後)。




然而,回到法國後發現信箱裡仍然沒有 貴會的回音。卻多次耳聞 貴會最近派人四處「說明」 貴會對愚職的停職決定是如何的「人道」和「寬容」。。 愚職無語,只求神憐憫 貴會幾年來在愚職的事上一再『假造公文,違背真理、踐踏組織規章、不理國家法律』的健忘。




切盼口口聲聲奉主耶穌聖名四處向世界宣稱自己是如何以「人道」來對待被停職員工的 貴會,至少能顯出願意遵循國家保障工人最基本權益的做為來。


謝謝。平安。 願神祝福。



楊昱民 敬上 2012.08.17





不給生活費 !






置楊昱民傳道一家於死地 ! ! !








Recently I often hear our church emphasizing the importance of submission. Indeed submission is important in our servitude, so we need to be wise and careful about this issue.


If the midwives had submitted to the authority, they would have followed the order of the Pharaoh and murdered Hebrew boys (Exodus 1:15-17).


If Jonathan had submitted to the authority and obeyed King Saul, Jonathan would have joined his father in pursuing David’s life (1Samuel 20:30-32).


If Peter and John had submitted to the authority, they would have stopped preaching Jesus (Acts 4:18-19)


If Martin Luther had submitted the authority, then there would have been no Protestant Reformation. You and I might still be buying indulgence issued by the Roman Catholic Church.


The Bible asks us to submit to the authority, but not without a condition: we should submit to the authority in the Lord, and according to the Bible. If the authority is acting according to the Bible, then of course we should submit to the authority.


What does the Bible tell us? “For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.” Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses.” (1Timothy 5:18-19)


Let us pray for our church. May the Lord grant us justice, peace, and mercy.


The simple rule of thumb pertaining to the submission issue in the church is DO NOT FOLLOW BLINDLY. Especially the opposite sex relationship between the co workers. Do not work with opposite sex alone in the divine work. A boundary must be there. The sexual temptation is real. Age and  marital status is immaterial. This is a very important message for those sisters who tend to follow the leadership irrationally.


Whether I am confused or I am thinking too much.

Is this posting having a hidden message? Because you reply to Submit to the Authority “in the Lord”. And your reply contents is focus on "This is a very important message for those sisters who tend to follow the leadership irrationally."

Can you explain more? thanks

Women or sisters play a very important role in the church. Whether during Jesus' time or today.

BTW, in bible, a lot of women act "irrationally". Such as using their hair and perfume to wash Jesus (yes, today since we know Jesus is God, so we say this act is great...) or some woman insist Paul to stay in her house. ...., Or some of the Jesus' bloodline women act "irrationally". All in the end, is a plan God set, and good came out of it. So irrational may or may not come from God. nobody knows. Irrational action may result in good and bad, nobody knows.

Well, God knows! Thank you Lord Jesus.


Matt 23:1-3 Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, 2 saying: "The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat.  3 Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.


Did Lord Jesus command us to be submissive to all authority or people who hold the seat of Moses?

1. What does it mean “whatever they tell you observe”? What did the Pharisees tell the multitudes?

2. What does it mean “do not do according to their works”? What did the Pharisees do which was not right?

3. What does it mean “they say and do not do”?

What were the problems the Jews was facing at that time? What was the end result? Was it not that “not one stone shall be left here upon another that shall not be thrown down”? (MATT 24:2)

Are the problems our church is facing any much different than the Jews? Does God command us to do nothing and leave all the dirty jobs for Him? If we remain quiet, will Lord Jesus make the stone to speak for us? Will our true-church and temple not being demolished sooner or later?

May the Holy Spirit move us so that we can stand firm and act upon the truths given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ!


I am sorry to use such a strong word 'irrationally' instead of a mild word 'indiscriminately'. Of cource there are many feminine characters in our Holy Scriptures. They are our God's faithful servants. We can't deny that. But there must be some boundaries to be set for precautionary measure. Let us quote one real life scenario. A pair of workers always work together alone (both are opposite sex). The subject of their conversation normally has been on divine work. Unconsciously they shift to personal relationship at a later stage. Is there a perilous consequence ? My purpose is to alert our fellow members to be more CAUTIOUS. This is one of the weakness which has caused a number of workers to fall.


110% agree with you that we have to be careful in serving the Lord. Satan will find our weakness and attack it. Human body cannot fight spirit well, so we need Jesus to help us.

Paul say to ran away! so we should ran away and avoid anything that can take away our work for the Lord.
