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I Am The Way/我是道路

Date recorded: 
Place recorded: 
Paris, France

This afternoon, we will study the topic of “I Am the Way.” Please read John 14:6, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” Jesus said, “I am.” You can claim, “I am a student,” or “I am a businessman,” or “I am a teacher.” But Jesus said here, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life.” Jesus proclaimed and introduced Himself this way. If you are asked: “who is Jesus?” You will surely answer, “Jesus is God.” Will you answer, “Jesus is the Way”? If someone asks you: “who are you?” You would answer, “I am so and so.” However, Jesus replied, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life.” According to Jesus, He is God Incarnate who came to earth for the purpose of saving our souls. Although this is a familiar story to us all, there are many details within the story that can be better understood when seen from the context of what Jesus said.


Let us reread this passage, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” Unless through me, no one can go to the Father. If we are asked: what does it mean to go to the Father? All of us would answer: it means to enter heaven. I think no one would contradict this response. It then begs the question: if we cannot go to the Father throughout our whole life, but have to wait until the moment of death, isn’t this rather sad? I often think: we should consider when we are able to go to the Father. To go to the Father should begin here and now, not at the point of death. We should be able to come to the Father now. We can even say, a person who cannot come to the Father now, at the moment of his death, he will not instantly be able to go to the Father. Isn’t that so? You cannot claim that as of today, June 30th, I have never gone to the Father, I have not been there, I have not seen Him, I have never entered His house; but tonight when I leave this world, on July 1st, I will automatically be with the Father. Is this possible? I really don’t think so. We should all die within the house of our Father, and then naturally as a matter of course, enter into our spiritual heavenly home.


Thus Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through me.” Except through me. What does this ‘me’ refer to? This ‘me’ refers to the way. Unless through me as the way, or sees me as the way, you cannot come to the Father. Let us pose an example: imagine it is approximately 500 years ago and we are trying to get to Paris from where we are now. It will be very difficult getting there, since there are no roads going to Paris. It is an impossible journey. The only option is to open a way, because then the road can take you to your destination.


There is a saying, “All roads lead to Rome.” I think nowadays, any road will lead to anywhere you want to go. All roads can lead to Abidjan, where our brother Charles came from. Or, all roads lead to Fuzhou. Today’s transportation is so accessible, all roads can take you anywhere you wish to go. But I think the way to the Father’s house may not be so numerous. To Jesus, there is only one way. But who is this way? Jesus said, “I am the way.” Thus, this way does not exist. You must not think you can find a way that does not exist. This way is Jesus. When you find Jesus, you will have found the way. If you do not find Jesus, then this way will never have existed.


Let us look at an example. When the Israelites left Egypt and came to the shore of the Red Sea – a well-known story to all of us – they no longer had a way to go. No one had any way to go on. Yet, at this moment, the LORD said to Moses, there is still a way ahead of you. Moses could not see a way at all, but by the mighty power of the LORD, a way was opened through the sea. We can ask this question: does this road exist? Does it exist only when it is opened, or did it exist before, but was merely concealed? If it did not exist before, then this is a new way that is opened. If this way existed before but we did not see it, how then, can we see this way once again? We can think of it this way, when is the beginning of God’s existence? Or when did Jesus begin to exist? However long Jesus existed is how long the way has been in existence. This way leads not only to heaven; rather, it leads us in our daily lives, so that we may come to the presence of the Father. We all wish to come to the presence of the Father. We hope that our daily work, our every step and direction, will be pleasing to God.


We then, will have to find the way. Actually, this way already existed. Because if Jesus exists, then the way exists, we just have problems seeing it. Jesus told us once again, He said, “I am the way.” I am the confirmed way. Today, no matter what predicament we may find ourselves in, we seek to find a solution. A solution is a path, a mean to an end, a way to unblock the obstacles. When we face the Red Sea, how do we find this way so we may cross it? When you find me, Jesus says. As long as you can find me, then you will find solutions to all your daily challenges. These solutions you find will not only solve your daily physical problems, they will also guide you to the presence of God. There is a huge difference. Today when we encounter difficulties, we can say there are a thousand ways of dealing with them, but 999 of the solutions will solve the problem, yet will not lead us to the Father. This is impossible for us to detect. Most of the time, we are just happy that we can find an answer to our problems, but we fail to consider if the resolution of the problem is pleasing to God or not. So when we look for solutions, we must find the way that not only solve our problems, but at the same time, lead us back to our Father.


Let us refer to our daily living as an example. There are many issues in our physical life and our spiritual life that we do not have immediate answers for. Just as we alluded to this morning, the story of Joseph being sold into slavery. How do you explain this? An exemplary child amongst all his siblings, yet he suffered the most. Why did his brothers conspire to harm him? If we consider this from a human point of view, it will be hard to explain. Perhaps before he was sold, we may seek to find some solutions instead; since we can see there is friction between Joseph and his brothers, all because of the two dreams he had. If he had not dreamt these dreams, maybe nothing would have happened. But he not only dreamt these dreams, he told them to his brothers and his parents as well. Thus exist the reason for the brothers’ discontent and their animosity towards him, plus the complication of Joseph being Jacob’s favorite son. Okay! Let us pretend we are Joseph’s neighbors who are trying to help them find a solution. We see the twelve brothers next door, ten of which are against one (Benjamin doesn’t count, he is too young), and we try to find ways that they will be able to get along. We can say to Jacob, maybe you shouldn’t buy such nice stuff for your son Joseph, so the brothers will not be jealous of his good fortune. Or we can go and speak to Joseph, don’t tattle on your brothers to your father the next time they did something wrong. You will find that at this moment, you are actively appealing to those who are the ‘good’ guys. Within a dispute, we will often reprimand the party who is in the right. We ask them to yield, reasoning that this is called love; only this way, will harmony be restored. We hardly ever appeal to the ‘bad’ buys, knowing that it will be useless. So the good guys suffer in these situations. I think we are most likely to approach it this way. It is likely that by doing so, the problem may be solved at that time, and possibly prevented the selling of Joseph into slavery. But it did not happen this way, since Joseph was still sold. We think then: is the way of Joseph truly the way of God? The way that Joseph trod on, was it the way that will solve his problems long-term? Using our own methods, perhaps the conflict will be solved for ten days; but a month later, the arguing would resume. But we know the resolution to Joseph’s story is one that is not only enduring, but also truly gratifying. The problem lies that before the resolution is achieved, Joseph had to suffer countless indignities.


All right, let us return to Joseph. If you were Joseph, which path would you take? You realize that your brothers have an intense dislike of you, it’s not as if you don’t know this. When your father asked you to go find your brothers, I believe this would not have been the first time; the only difference is that this time, he was sold. Joseph was often sent by his father to check on his brothers. Everyone within the same family is quite aware of how each feels about one another. Of course Joseph is aware of how this road might not be so ideal if he were to continue on it. So why did he keep on walking on this way? From Joseph’s entire story, let us see if he ever strayed from the way of Jesus. Of course at that time, Jesus has yet to come as the Incarnate of God. But Jesus already exists, because He existed even before the creation. Thus if we follow the road that Joseph continued on, we can see how he persevered through adversity and overcame obstacles. We can see his unwavering resolve. When he was in Jacob’s house, he walked on the way of God, garnering the affection of his father. When he was in Potiphar’s house in Egypt, he still walked on the way of the LORD, although he suffered immensely as a result of it. And yet, he persisted upon this way. When he was put in prison, he still walked on the way, even though the way appeared to be one without a future. Joseph walked upon this way for 13 years before the journey ended. But when he finally took the last step, the way was confirmed, and everything was resolved. I think we would not have had the same patience today. We are always trying to find solutions to problems, but we neglect to grasp the need to look for the way. The way, the one and only way. You must first find Jesus, then you will find the way.


What is this way of Jesus? Please turn to Isaiah 30:20-21, “Although the LORD gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Here the LORD told the prophet that the way of God possesses an obvious characteristic. Normally we think that if we walk upon the way of the Lord, everything should go smoothly. But the Bible does not seem to agree. What did the Bible say? “The LORD gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more.” The French translation is actually quite different compared to the Chinese translation. Please read Jeremiah 6:16, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.’” The LORD said to the prophet here to stand at the crossroads and look for the ancient paths. If you can walk upon the ancient paths, you will find rest. At that time, the people were actively searching for the way. Let us return to Isaiah 30:15, “This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. You said, ‘No, we will flee on horses.’ Therefore you will flee! You said, ‘We will ride off on swift horses.’ Therefore your pursuers will be swift!” From verse 15 we can see that the people at the time is continuously looking for the way; but when God told them the way to go, they refused. Why were they so unwilling? Maybe because the road did not appeal to them. If the way had been appealing, they would have to search no more.

Oftentimes, we lack confidence in God’s way; rather, we wish for human method to resolve the issue. We feel that our way would be the quickest way. Look at Joseph, it took him 13 years to complete the journey, and Abraham more than 25 years! The disciples of olden days took a long time before the way is completed. Before they finish their journey, this way was not one that most would be envious of. That is why God is always urging His prophets and disciples of the bygone times to encourage the people to return to the ancient path; the way that seems to be without answers, but one which they must be on. What is so unique about this way? It is Jesus. It is God. That is it. There is nothing else visible. This may be puzzling to us: when we wish to solve our present day problems, God instead ask us to go and look at God. He did not say to solve whatever problem that may arise in this lifetime. Let us make a comparison. Jesus mentioned a story about what we need to eat and wear in a day. Okay, let’s decide what we should eat and wear today. I believe all of us can come up with very good suggestions that no one can disagree with. For instance, if we are looking for a job, or whatever that is needed to improve our daily living; this is all good, no one can dispute that. However, Jesus says that this is not the way He wants. What is the way Jesus referred to? Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. It is difficult for us to rationalize this and make the connection. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.

There are some who are critical of Christians. In particular within a couple, one who is a non-Christian, would say to the other: why do you go to church so often? Does Jesus give you food? If you were to consider this, you would think, that’s right; even if I go to church everyday, would Jesus provide me food to eat? But Jesus told his disciples, how do you solve the concerns of food and clothing? The first step you must take is to return unto My way. If you first come back unto My way, you will find upon this way, many easily solvable problems. This is beyond the reach of human rationalization. As humans, we see the way of God as impassable. Please reread Isaiah 30:20, “Although the LORD gives you the bread of adversity.” The French translation of this passage is opposite to other translations. It is translated as, when we have adversity, the LORD gives us bread to eat, and when we have afflictions, He will give us water to drink. The Chinese translation is the opposite: the LORD gives you adversity as bread to eat, so that the journey upon this way will be continually arduous. Looking at the entire book of Isaiah, I believe the Chinese translation is the correct one. Especially verses 15 and 16. Why did the people reject the way of the LORD? If the way is as described in verse 20 (the French translation), I don’t think anyone would refuse it. But if the way is as the Chinese translation described, that is, seemingly full of hardship, then we will understand why the people rejected it. Read this way, verse 21 then makes sense. Verse 21 says as the people walk on this way, they turn right or left, looking for another way to go. I believe the drastic difference between the French and Chinese translations is quite apparent. Actually, they are diametrically opposite to one another. This is not something I had prepared for, thus we have yet the manpower to research the original text. But it doesn’t really matter. When one verse in the Bible is problematic in translation, we should then look at the context of meaning within the entire Bible, especially within the same book.

Let us look at the book of Isaiah then. The book of Isaiah is unique in one aspect: that is, the people persisted in rejecting the way given to them by the LORD, they looked to find their own way. Please read Isaiah 31:1, “Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, who rely on horses, who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel, or seek help from the LORD.” From here, we can see why the Israelites refused to walk on the way of God; they believed another way is the faster way to solve their problems. Let us read chapter 41:18, “I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.” Why did God tell them this? Please read verse 13, “’For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, little Israel, do not fear, for I myself will help you,’ declares the LORD.”  v.10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” We can see here, the Israelites are worried as to whether they should continue on this way or not, since the way seems to be fraught with hardship. At this juncture, God told them repeatedly: do not leave, do not go! This is the Chinese translation. Although this road may be very difficult, and you would like to leave this road and turn to the left or to the right, but God said, do not leave this way. This way is definitely not as you see it. If you continue upon it, v.17-18, “The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. 
But I the Lord will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.” These words that God spoke here start out grimly, charged with suffering; but at the same time, God will transform the most miserable way into the most marvelous one. Therefore, you must first step unto this way before you can see the beauty of its transformation. If you only choose the way that is already favorable, this way does not really exist. Even if this way does exist, it can never be the way of Jesus Christ.

The ancient saints and disciples of God were fulfilled at the time of the Apostles. If we re-examine the way they trod on, they all share the same unique characteristic: that is, as they walked upon it, they experienced tremendous tribulation, to the point of contemplating leaving it. But God always encouraged them not to leave, because this is the way; do not doubt and you will see springs welling out from it. Perhaps it will take three years, perhaps 25 years. Maybe even longer, no one knows. But this is assuredly the correct way. However, this way will not always be so troublesome. It will not be 13 years of pain, nor 25 years of affliction. Today we think, how Joseph suffered! How Abraham suffered! But have we considered, did Joseph and Abraham think of themselves as wretched? I believe they thought this way for a short period of time only. Just like Jesus Christ, who walked upon this way. He said, “I am the way.” This particular way has a distinctive characteristic, that is, the Garden of Gethsemane. While Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was at the point when He was willing to give up this way. So this moment will exist: when we begin to doubt the verity of the way, or the possibility of another way. But if you are able to persevere and finish the journey – of course not after the fact – rather, when you accept it, accept the way as it is, then everything becomes much easier.

We will give a simple example: in France, we mostly eat very well. We get up in morning and have some breakfast. Then at noon, we check out the fridge to see if there’s anything else to eat. After which, we take a tea or coffee break. We say this is the way to keep our strength up. Okay, let’s agree that this is the way we should be living. After two days, you are on your way to Africa to work. If you persist in thinking the same way: I will have juice first thing in the morning, and a hearty breakfast, because it is proven that a good breakfast will give me energy to last the whole day. You have many detailed routines that dictate how you should go about your day; but once you arrive in Africa, you begin to feel the hardship of deprivation. You wonder: how do people live here? This is no way for people to live! Thus, you yearn for your return to France. But if you are able to adjust your thinking and just accept the situation, since this is the way it is here; soon as you accept it, even though you are still living in it, you will feel a great sense of contentment. Because compared to the majority of the people here, you are very much blessed. You have the best food available, the most comfortable bed; you even have clean water to drink, and a nightly shower as well! You will think: wow, I am truly blessed! One person looks forward impatiently to the time of departure, while another person enjoys the plentiful grace at hand. What is the difference? It is your acceptance. If you accept that the way of God is thus, then I will stay here. As soon as you are determined to do so, the desert will become an oasis. The transformation happens swiftly.

I believe our faith, and the way of Jesus, have this exceptional quality: its joy does not come from the moment of resolving a problem. We tend to feel happier after our issues have been resolved, but we also worry that the same problem may recur, because the resolution was perhaps not achieved using appropriate means. You worry then, that you might be found out later. So although you are relieved for a moment after the problem is solved, you continue to worry daily. Even if the method you used to resolve the issue was completely justifiable, we have to understand that the way of man is full of twists and turns. There will always be details that you may not have taken care of properly. However, the way of God is not like this. What is the special characteristic of God’s way? Others may see you as suffering, just as we see Joseph as one suffering – as we mentioned this morning – if he had accepted the invitation of his mistress, no one would have known. If people had found out, the wife would have been the first to be executed. In fact, Joseph was quite secure; not only that, he could have lived even better within the household, since his master trusted him completely. His mistress also loved him, so he could have been the king of the household. If you rationalize as a man, you would think, doing this is better, you could live a much better life. Although I may be a slave now, but on the day I am with my master’s wife, I am not really a slave anymore. But Joseph rejected this, because he does not believe this is a way, although this may be a method to solve certain issues.

Let us presume then, taking from the popular news found in tabloids, the various ways of finding a satisfactory conclusion to this matter. Joseph wanted to go home wholeheartedly, but because he is a slave, he had no way of achieving this. What was his only opportunity? Becoming the lover of his mistress. Once Joseph becomes his mistress’s lover, she can go and persuade the master for his freedom, then he will be able to go home. Of course, this is my imagined scenario. But I think it is doable because the mistress is in love with Joseph. For the sake of love, many things can be done. So as long as Joseph is willing, he could have returned home much sooner, since this is also a way he could have taken.

When we are faced with so many methods and choices to solve this problem, we may consider this as the quickest way. To pray or not to pray is another matter of time. Joseph insisted that he remain on this particular way, which is the way of the LORD. This is the only true way from which I can exit. To be able to come out of the way does not necessarily mean solving the problems of this lifetime only; rather, it should at the same time, elevate the level of your faith. If you are able to come out of the way, but is unable to elevate your faith to a higher plane, then what is the point of your walking on the way? This is equivalent to you not walking on the way at all. The Bible refers to this as a way that leads to destruction. You seem to walking on the way, but in fact, the more you walk, the farther you are from God.

I think we must be very careful about this point in dealing with church affairs today, and also our spiritual endeavors as well. This is the principle we must uphold: you must never use nefarious means to resolve righteous matters. For example: you cannot use lies to solve the conflicts within the church, this will always lead to more problems. And yet, this is the fastest way to resolve an issue, that is for certain. As long as both parties are willing participants in lying, it will be much quicker to arrive at a mutual solution. But we are well aware of Satan’s schemes within these works, because lies originate from Satan. Thus, if this method is used to resolve church issues, the church will undoubtedly march towards destruction. Although on surface the problem seems to have been resolved, but spiritually, we sink to another low. You will start to wonder, but you will not likely voice your suspicion. You think to yourself: I lied to him, but how come he seems to be so joyful in the spirit? I had cheated him! We say that spiritual joy comes from the Lord, and yet, my words of falsehood seem to bring him so much happiness. This is just not possible.

We have to take a firm hold of what Jesus said, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life.” These are not three separate concepts; rather, they are all melded into one. Jesus Christ is all three. You cannot claim that Jesus is the way, but not the truth. Let us explain it this way: pretend that Jesus is your business partner; you know if you rely on Jesus and pray to Him you will be guaranteed prosperity, because He will surely bless me. In order to achieve business success, I will come to services and give tithes; that way, God will continue to bless me. This is not possible. And yet, these things do happen. The more it happens, the further your downfall. Upon this way of the Lord, the three concepts cannot be separated. Upon this way, there will surely be truth, not falsehood. Upon this way, there must be the vitality of life. You will experience the robustness of its vigor. Although the way may be riddled with pitfalls, but within adversity the power displayed is huge.

When we consider the saints, we are amazed by their indomitable strength. Why was Joseph so strong? Why was Abraham able to persevere for so long? Many ancient disciples can fittingly be our models, since they have so many virtues. If we consider these virtues in greater depth, we will realize that more than 90% of these virtues are derived from the most difficult times. Just like Daniel’s three friends. You can see their great strength, yet you do not know much about them. Do you even know Daniel’s three friends’ names? I don’t even remember! Their names are hard to recall. Whatever they may have encountered in life previous to this, we do not know. We only know one thing: as they faced the fiery furnace, when there is no way out, they persisted on walking upon this way unseen by us. To them, they still have a way, even though they do not know what lies ahead of the path. To the world watching, there are only flames ahead. But to them, there is no fire; they appear not to see any. They know that the way is here, so we must continue to walk upon it. As they walk on, the desert became a wellspring of water.

Therefore, it is essential that we grasp this, especially in terms of our faith: when we meet up with challenges in life, we must not ask for immediately answers to solve them. Asking for resolutions is too abstract of a concept and should not be our sole objective. Our goal is that the more difficult the challenge, the more we have to consider if we have strayed from God’s way. Have I begun to abandon God’s way as my way? Do not focus on how to solve the problem. There is only one question in life that needs an answer: are you able to go to the Father? If you are able to find the answer, then you will have found an answer to life. If you are unable to find the answer to this question, you can only find solutions to solve your day-to-day problems. And yet, if you are aware of the methods you employ are not ones approved by God, then you should not choose to use them. What we must hold fast to is the word of Jesus, “I am the way.” Then we must walk on it.