百日祭:弔「真」之死,哭 神榮耀漸離
² 先前滿有人民的城,現在何竟獨坐!先前在列國中為大的,現在竟如寡婦
² 凡過路的都向你拍掌。他們向耶路撒冷城嗤笑,搖頭,說:難道人所稱為全美的,稱為全地所喜悅的,就是這城嗎?
² 地上的君王和世上的居民都不信敵人和仇敵能進耶路撒冷的城門。這都因他先知的罪惡和祭司的罪孽;他們在城中流了義人的血。
² 耶和華啊,求你使我們向你回轉,我們便得回轉。求你復新我們的日子,像古時一樣
Ø 我聽見了許多人的讒謗,四圍都是驚嚇;就是我知己的朋友也都窺探我,願我跌倒,說:告他吧,我們也要告他!或者他被引誘,我們就能勝他,在他身上報仇。
Ø 然而,耶和華與我同在,好像甚可怕的勇士。故此,我必戰至天起涼風,日影飛去,神的榮耀歸來之時(耶20.10; 歌 2.17, 4.6)
Ø 這不是一場復職不復職的爭戰,這也不是一場經節論說的爭執。這是一場誠實與不誠實的對撞,這是一場TJC是否仍配稱為「真」的深沈檢討。
在百日內,我們讀過了聯總要求全球教會向全球信徒宣告的三篇不同內容的決議文,兩篇不同內容的說明 + 一篇單獨向巴黎教會解釋的說明。我們不禁要問:開會那天到底發生了什麼事?為何後來三篇的停職說明一大部分都偏離了當天定YM停職罪狀的第21號案?
破綻終於顯露了:聯總一直要人相信請YM進去聆聽的13 : 2「只是」決定「是否同意處分」的票數。換句話說,YM被請進去聆聽時,理論上是還沒有決議文的,因為還沒有出現「全體一致」的決議文。可是當時梁得仁一起頭就對著白板上所打出來的決議文向YM宣讀說:(此案)13 票對 2 票。通過。然後就唸了一大串的決議文。聯總一直要人相信決議文是全體一致通過了。誰知,六月聯總最後一版的「說明」裡竟然露出了破綻來,承認YM聽完決議文的宣判之後,(晚禱+晚餐,之後)聯總又加開會議,修改第一版的決議文(以下原文,照抄):『... (全體負責人決議將原有兩項修訂合併)。附註:此將兩項合併之決 議乃在楊弟兄離席後,唯一修訂之處,其餘各點均無變動。』
既是這樣,我們當定意不要將善的銭給人拿去做惡的事, 而應將神的銭留在身邊準備隨時支援特定的聖工需要。由此, 我深信人人在家成立自由傳道基金,隨時隨地奉獻到善人做善事的聖工上是事在必行,當急之務啊!
A hundred days on: Mourning the death of truth, lamenting as the glory of God gradually departs from the temple
By Pr. Yang YuhMing
· How lonely sits the city that was full of people! How like a widow is she, who was great among the nations!
· All who pass by clap their hands at you; they hiss and shake their heads at the daughter of Jerusalem: “Is this the city that is called ‘The perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth’?”
· The kings of the earth, and all inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy could enter the gates of Jerusalem - because of the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests, who shed in her midst the blood of the just.
· Turn us back to You, O Lord, and we will be restored; renew our days as of old
² For I heard many mocking: “Fear on every side!” “Report,” they say, “and we will report it!” All my acquaintances watched for my stumbling, saying, “Perhaps he can be induced; then we will prevail against him, and we will take our revenge on him.
² But the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore, I shall fight until the day breaks and the shadows flee away, and the glory of God returns to His dwelling place (Jer 20:10; Song 2:17; 4:6)
² This is not a battle concerning the reinstatement of an office, nor is it a dispute over the exposition of particular passages of the bible. This is a confrontation between honesty and dishonesty, and a heavy-hearted self-examination as to whether TJC remains worthy of being called “true”.
It has been a hundred days. In these hundred days, how many people have wept as they have spilled forth the contents of their bleeding hearts, and how many have continued to speak lies in order to conceal the truth?
In these hundred days, we have read three different versions of the resolution that the IA has asked all churches worldwide to announce to their members, two different explanations of the resolution and one explanation sent only to Paris church. We cannot help but ask: what actually happened during the meeting? Why is it that large portions of the three explanations of the termination differ from the charges made on the day itself against YM in proposal no. 21?
Can it be that the IA had come to realize that the reasons given in March for the termination of YM were so flimsy and so ludicrous that the good faith in the IA that our predecessors had built up during the course of over forty years was wiped out within a few days? And that in June, they therefore hastily added to the charges against YM in an attempt to turn the charges made in June into an official archival document for the termination made in March? YM therefore appears to have been terminated in March for reasons only discovered in June! What a joke!
Their blunder was finally revealed: all along, IA has been wanting people to believe that the verdict of 13-2 announced to YM during the meeting “only” concerned the decision as to whether to agree to take disciplinary action against YM. In other words, when YM was called in, the resolution had ostensibly not been made, since the “unanimous” resolution had not been reached at that point. However, right from the start, Derren Liang read out the resolution typed out on the whiteboard to YM, saying: “[This proposal] was passed by a vote of 13-2. He then proceeded to read out the resolution in full. The IA keeps wanting people to believe that the resolution was passed unanimously. But unexpectedly, the last version of the “explanation” issued by IA in June exposed an oversight. It acknowledges that after YM had listened to the pronouncement of the verdict as set out in the resolution, IA (after the evening prayer and dinner) held another meeting and modified the first version of the resolution (original text follows): “... (all the EXCO members decided to merge the original two points). Note: this decision to merge the two points was the only amendment that was made after Brother Yang had left the meeting; the remaining points were left unchanged.”
Is it normal for meetings to be conducted in this manner? After the resolution had been read out to the party concerned, he declared that he intended to take the matter to the judicial authorities to sue the IA for its lies and fabrications, then left the meeting venue. One and a half hours later (after the evening prayer and dinner), the IA hurriedly held another meeting to “amend” the original resolution, claiming afterwards that this was a resolution made “unanimously”! Having come close to committing the serious offense of falsifying the minutes of a meeting, the IA nonetheless unashamedly asserts: apart from one point, both the earlier and the later resolutions are identical and “unchanged”. Is this so? Let’s take a random example: what happened to the requirement for YM to write a statement of repentance that was originally in the first version? As this requirement sounded particularly jarring, YM remembers hearing it very clearly when Derren Liang read it out. However, it does not appear in the second version. It looks like the IA really thinks that by hiding behind official documents issued “in the holy name of the Lord Jesus”, all the churches around the world will believe that it is speaking the truth, regardless of the lies it tells!
It has been a hundred days. In these hundred days, how many people have wept as they have spilled forth the contents of their bleeding hearts, and how many have continued to speak lies in order to conceal the truth?
Let us return to the scene of the meeting (http://www.sharingbiblewords.com/ymyang/cms/?q=node/913) and consider once again why the IA has demolished overnight the more than forty years of good faith that has been placed in the word “true”?
This is not a battle concerning the reinstatement of an office, nor is it a dispute over the exposition of particular passages of the bible. This is a confrontation between honesty and dishonesty, and a heavy-hearted self-examination as to whether TJC remains worthy of being called “true”.
My eyes fail with tears, my heart is troubled; my bile is poured on the ground because of the destruction of the daughter of my people, because the children and the infants faint in the streets of the city. They say to their mothers, “Where is grain and wine?” as they swoon like the wounded in the streets of the city, as their life is poured out in their mothers’ bosom.
Oh Lord! I pray that I shall not see the glorious tabernacle of David fall down before my very eyes!
Jeremiah, do not weep, because the Lord is with us, as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore, I shall fight to the death to restore the truth to the true church.